UI patterns for the web

Looks like a good wrap-up of web ui design patterns. I’ll probably go back there and have another go at it when I’m not so busy. ;) (Like, when is that exactly? I have no idea.)

-Brett Morgan

Wow - really good set of UI patterns, but not very web based unfortunately. I would REALLY love to see (and contribute!) to something like this for web UIs. All the standard tricks like master-detail forms, sortable tables, tab interfaces, drill down navigation, form layout etc - but for HTML.

-Mike Cannon-Brookes

This is great stuff. As with patterns, there’s no revolutionary techniques here but the value of a central catalogue with patterns that can be referred to by name makes this gold-dust.

Over the last few years (really since the IE4 era) I’ve found that many of my web-apps have been looking more and more like standalone windows applications. Browsers certainly don’t support all the wonderful widgets you get natively but thanks to the capabilities of browers it’s pretty easy to recreate them. Aside from this, native applications have been getting more and more webby (use Windows XP for a day and you’ll know what I mean). Is there really a difference any more?

3 great books and a website that compliment these patterns: